Trust issues, leadership missteps and ethics problems threaten any organisation, impact market value and cause irreversible damage – and looks like these will continue to be issues in 2016. So, what are the related challenges for leaders? How does one develop moral credibility? How is it manifested on the job?
Moral credibility needs to reflect the qualities of character, trust, empowerment, positive self esteem and, of course, ethics. Moral credibility is the sum total of one’s consistent behaviour in the face of challenging decisions and situations that has, as its focus, trust. Moral credibility is modelling and instilling a balanced approach to discernment that is not based on an emotional reaction to a situation. The bottom line is that moral credibility needs to be modelled and observed by all with consistency, communicated beyond words, and authoritative in attitude to be truly real.
When one thinks of truly effective leaders, no matter in what industry or field, being credible, sincere and trustworthy are among those critical attributes that separate them from other leaders.
The need to train in the process of thinking ethically
The process of thinking ethically is different from the process of thinking legally.
The process of thinking legally tends to be more like viewing employees, as ‘empty vessels’ that need to be ‘filled up’ with needed information to fulfil the goal of being compliant. This is necessary, as not everyone understands the legal details and ramifications of a law. This is a focus on the letter of the law and its obedience. Knowledge and its retention are the primary focus.